Montag, 27. Oktober 2014

Great Transformation Comic gains high-level attention

Happy that the Great Transformation Comic makes its way to TV, high level science and authorities.

The comic appeared as part of a short educational german ARD-Alpha TV report on scientists in comics:

The renowned Science Magazine listed our comic on its weekly book list:

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) recommends it as a resource on its CC-iNet:

and UNs Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon also has received his copy on occasion of his New York Climate Summit:

Besides this, we continue to give a lot of presentations, workshops, summerschools and continuing education seminars on the comic or using the comic, e.g. at the Rotes Rathaus Berlin, at Leuphana University Lüneburg, at the Freie Universität Summer Academy, Berlin, at the Global Environment Summer Academy, Bern or at Deutsche Umweltstiftung, Berlin.